Three Years Ago Today We Came to America…

Coming To America

Three years ago today, my wife, my son, and my dog, came to America. Every time I think of that statement – “Coming to America” – the same two things pop into my head. Eddie Murphey’s hilarious movie – it was hilarious when I was in my teens at any rate – and Neil Diamond singing “America”, the opening line of which is “Far…we’ve been traveling far, without a home, but not without a star”. So that’s why you’re looking at the epic graphic above. You’re welcome.

There are a lot of things I can say about the past three years, but given this my first blog post in five months, to say I’m rusty at blogging is an understatement. I’m going to keep this simple.

My wife and I grew up in Calgary and spent all our our lives there. We never thought we’d leave. A plan for our lives (His plan) began to unfold that presented us with a choice: stay “safe” or take a risk and “Come to America”. That decision – one of the most important we’ve ever made – put us on a path of personal growth, happiness, and prosperity unlike anything we could have expected. It was a pivotal moment in our lives, and one that we are truly happy we made. It changed everything, all of it ultimately good. We are blessed beyond measure.

Three years in, what I can say is this: if you’re ever presented an opportunity to take a leap into the unknown, to step outside your known world into into something new, take it.

Over to you Neil…