Ashley and I Are Having a Baby!


I wanted to share some special news: I’m going to be a dad! The above picture of Baby Dunn, aka Dunn 2.0, aka The Dunnling, was taken today at Ashley’s first ultrasound. She’s 12 weeks pregnant. We found out on the morning of December 24th, so it was a wonderful surprise for us and for our families. In typical geeky fashion, our way of announcing it to our families was to print out individual Christmas cards (see below) and give them to everyone at the same time – the look of puzzlement, followed quickly by delight, was quite the wonder to behold. Ashley is due August 30th. I wanted to get this quick announcement out the door – I’ll post more ultrasound pictures later, along with the thunderclap that hit me when I saw my baby move for the first time. One word: wow. God is good!
