Upcoming Travel…

As of a month ago, the only future trip I had planned was going to Japan with Ashley in March – and now that’s tripled. In a couple of weeks I’m going to be heading to New York for a Microsoft event, then in November I’m heading to the next Mobius event…this time it’s in Amsterdam! Last year it was Thailand, which was incredible, and now it’s in a part of Europe I’ve never been to. Ashley will be coming with me (Microsoft pays for one ticket, I’ll pay for the other) and we’re arriving a few days early to get adjusted before the conference starts. What’s going to be cool is that there are a few Thoughts Media team members in the NYC area that I haven’t met in person before, and an ex-team member happens to live in The Netherlands, so I’m hoping to be able to connect with him as well. It’s going to be a fun couple of months!