I had fun busting out the ol’ #Yeti for a guest spot on a podcast. More details later!

I had fun busting out the ol' #Yeti for a guest spot on a podcast. More details later!

After two years of waiting, #ThingCharger is finally a reality! Here's hoping it works…

After two years of waiting, #ThingCharger is finally a reality! Here's hoping it works...
Posted by Instagrate to WordPress

I'm excited to finally get my @zoltcharger – really impressed so far!

I'm excited to finally get my @zoltcharger - really impressed so far!
Posted by Instagrate to WordPress

Watched the highest-grossing movie of all time today, and threw down $20 on the largest lottery jackpot in history. It seemed like the appropriate thing to do (I buy lotto tickets twice a decade).

Watched the highest-grossing movie of all time today, and threw down $20 on the largest lottery jackpot in history. It seemed like the appropriate thing to do (I buy lotto tickets twice a decade).
Posted by Instagrate to WordPress

The most unique Christmas gift I received was a #Munchpak snack subscription. It’s fun to taste snacks from other cultures! Reminds me of my #HTCelevate days when I’d get global taste packs from #HTC fans…

The most unique Christmas gift I received was a #Munchpak snack subscription. It's fun to taste snacks from other cultures! Reminds me of my #HTCelevate days when I'd get global taste packs from #HTC fans...

This is what #Elvis meant by a “Blue Christmas” right? Side note: funny how more are coming in a black case.

This is what #Elvis meant by a "Blue Christmas" right? Side note: funny how more are coming in a black case.

When I first saw this package, my brain read it as LORDS OF PECAN, so that’s what I’ve been calling it all week as I’ve been eating it. That, my friends, is an epic name for #icecream. Also, a #heavymetal band that bakes pies.

When I first saw this package, my brain read it as LORDS OF PECAN, so that's what I've been calling it all week as I've been eating it. That, my friends, is an epic name for #icecream. Also, a #heavymetal band that bakes pies.