George Lucas Heckled on Spike’s Scream 2008 Awards

I was watching the Spike TV 2008 Scream awards, and near the end, at the 1 hour 56 minute and 30 second mark, some guy in the crowd, within earshot of the microphone that Lucas was speaking from, yelled out “You haven’t been cool since the ’80s!”. Wow. It’s one thing to express your opinion about someone else, but it’s quite another to do so as a heckler from the crowd at an event where he’s being honoured. I doubt he made it back to his car alive – I’m sure one of those Storm Troopers gave him a little re-education on respecting the creator of the Star Wars universe.

Note To Self, Re: Costco

Note to self regarding purchases made at Costco: before purchasing three boxes of noodles, each with four packages per box, make sure what you’re buying actually tastes good. Simply Asia evidently spent all their budget on great-looking packages and not on making their noodles taste like something other than soggy cardboard. Bleh.

Some Things Just Shouldn’t Exist On YouTube

[Turn your speakers down before hitting play, the recorded this with hideously over-driven audio]

Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog

This is one funny online project! There aren’t many things that will make me spend 42 minutes watching my browser (I watched this in several small parts), but this online episodic project from Joss Whedon is hilarious and very entertaining – and I generally loathe musicals. The only thing that kind of sucks about it is that they picked iTunes as their exclusive method of distribution, so it’s either iTunes or watching it in your browser. Bleh. There’s more in the world than iTunes Joss!

If Modern Business Designed a Stop Sign

That video pretty much speaks for itself – it’s amazing how so many businesses can screw up something so simple. I see it day after day with technology products. I might not like Apple on a dozen different levels, but I respect their singular vision for trying to get things right.